Ms. Nuñez’s Daily Schedule
7:00-8:30 – Before-school care
8:30-8:45 – Arrival and quiet tabletop activities
8:45-9:15 – Morning meeting: Morning meeting will begin with morning group prayers, daily prayer box (which includes special intentions), and classroom community building. In addition to counting, alphabet recognition, movement, music, and song, children will have the opportunity to share “what’s in the news” in their personal lives in and beyond our school community. Each morning will include a brief discussion about our general flow of the day.
9:15-10:00 – Free choice and tabletop activities: Children will have free time to explore their academic and artistic interests in the classroom. Regularly, children will be introduced to new concepts and participate in various individual and group projects over the course of the year. At the end of free choice, children will work together as a community to tidy up the classroom.
10:00-10:15 – Rug time: Rug time is a flexible time for children to participate in a range of activities. Examples of rug time activities include, and are not limited to, teacher-led story time, large motor movement, song, and book look.
10:15-10:30 – Handwashing and snack
10:30-11:00 – Outside time (weather permitting)
11:00-11:15 – Pack-up for 11:15 half-day dismissal
11:15-12:00 – Handwashing and lunch (school day students will transition to Ms. Smith)
12:00-12:30 – Small group activities: Children will work 1:1 and/or in small groups that focus on a range of academic skills.
12:30-1:30ish – Brain break: Children lay down to rest and recharge their minds and bodies (children are not required to close their eyes to fall asleep).
1:30-1:50– Free choice: Children will explore the room and continue projects from morning free choice.
1:50-2:15 – Pack-up for 2:15 dismissal and transition to wrap around care for children enrolled in extended day