Class Schedule

Daily Schedule

  • Arrival and Tabletop Activities 8:30-8:45
  • Morning Meeting 8:45-9:15 – We say our morning prayers, including the children’s intentions. We also do fingerplays, math/language activity, and music/movement. We read a story and/or discuss the topic we are currently working on. Any projects are also introduced and modeled if necessary.
  • Exploration 9:15-10:00-Children have the opportunity to explore the different centers around the classroom. Activities are changed often in order to go along with the current topic of study and/or season. Students are also able to participate in daily academic and artistic projects that are frequently teacher facilitated-these include science experiments and journal entries.
  • Clean up/Bathroom Break 10:00-10:10
  • Snack 10:10-10:30- Students take turns providing a daily snack.
  • Outside Time 10:30-11:00-We go outside to the playground every day, weather permitting (above 20 and not raining).
  • Dance and Dismissal 11:00-11:15-We end our morning with a dance or creative movement. Then the morning students are dismissed to their parents.
  • Lunch 11:30-12:15-Students provide their own daily lunches-refrigerator and microwave are available. This year, the preschoolers will also be able to participate in Seton’s hot lunch program. All preschoolers will eat in the classroom with their teacher.
  • Clean up/Bathroom/Rest Time 12:15-1:00-Students rest on their own yoga mats with the lights off and quiet music playing.
  • Literacy Activities/Daily Specials (see separate specials schedule) 1:00-2:00
  • Clean up 2:00-2:10 Students clean up the room and pack up their items to go home or move on to Wrap Around.
  • Dismissal 2:10-2:15-School day students get picked up and the wrap around students transition over to the aftercare room.